• This topic has 27 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated by admin.
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  • #8009
      • City:

      It is that time of the year again, when the best of the country descend in one place to push each other to the very end of their limits… and then some more.

      The 2023 National Road Cycling Championship is being held in Vijayapur in Karnataka from the 9th of January to the 12th of January 2024.

      Racing is divided over 4 days, starting with the Time Trials and ending with the Criterium races.

      Below is the schedule, so that you can support your favourite riders and state!

      We will be trying to get you as many updates from Ground Zero, thanks to all our friends who are at the location. So stay tuned for a lot more…

      CategoryRace FormatDistance in Kilometre
      Day 1January 9th, Tuesday
      7:30-13:30Women JuniorIndividual Time Trial20
      Sub Junior BoysIndividual Time Trial20
      Men’s EliteIndividual Time Trial40
      Men’s Under-23Individual Time Trial40
      14:00-17:30Women’s EliteIndividual Time Trial30
      Sub Junior GirlsIndividual Time Trial15
      Youth BoysIndividual Time Trial15
      Youth GirlsIndividual Time Trial10
      Day 2January 10th, Wednesday
      7:30-13:30Elite – MixedTeam Relay60
      Youth BoysTeam Time Trial20
      Sub Junior GirlsTeam Time Trial20
      Men’s Under-23Road Race100
      14:00-17:30Men’s JuniorIndividual Time Trial30
      Women’s JuniorTeam Time Trial30
      Sub Junior BoysTeam Time Trial30
      Youth GirlsTeam Time Trial15
      Day 3January 11th, Thursday
      7:00-13:30Men’s JuniorTeam Time Trial40
      Men’s EliteRoad Race120
      Women’s JuniorRoad Race60
      Sub Junior BoysRoad Race40
      14:00-17:30Women’s EliteRoad Race90
      Sub Junior GirlsRoad Race30
      Day 4January 12th, Friday
      7:00-13:30Men’s JuniorRoad Race80
      Men’s EliteCriterium Race10 laps
      Women’s EliteCriterium Race7 laps

      Quick Explainer

      There are 5 race formats:

      1. Individual Time Trial (ITT): Where racers have to beat the clock and the rider who completes the distance in the least amount of time is declared the winner.
      2. Team Time Trial (TTT): Similar to the ITT, except 4 riders from a team (comprised of the state) together have to complete the course in the least amount of time.
      3. Team Relay: This is a relay format of racing, where the riders need to exchange a ‘baton’ to allow their teammate to proceed. To make it further interesting, the team of 4 are comprised of 2 female and 2 male riders.
      4. Road Race: Your classic mass start road race, where all the participants are flagged off simultaneously. The first rider across the finish line is the winner.
      5. Criterium Race: Crit racing popularised in USA, sees the races being held with multiple laps. Racers collect points on each lap and the one with the maximum amount of points at the end of the race is declared the winner.

      Besides this, the races are divided by gender and age.

      If you have any questions about the racing, drop in a message below. We will try our best to get back to you with the correct answer!

      Till then you can enjoy reading about some of the recent National Road Cycling Champions:

      Surya Thathu, Pranita Soman and Karen Marshall.

      Thanks to Anirudh Chadha for helping us out with the schedule!

        • City:

        And the first day of racing begins!!!

        Scrutineering in Progress

        Bike check and scrutiny being conducted before the start of the Individual Time Trials.

        <p style=”text-align: center;”>Some amazing machines ready for action…</p>
        Photos and Update: Anand V Pattanashetti

          • City:

          Warm Up in Progress

          The weather looks good for a fine day of road racing and time trialing!

          Photos and UpdateAnand V Pattanashetti

            • City:

            All set… now just awaiting the Time Trialists!

            We like the use of the foldie to film…

            Photo and Update: Rahul Balakrishnan

              • City:

              Under-23 Bike Check in Progress



              Photos and UpdateAnand V Pattanashetti

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by admin.
                • City:

                And the results start trickling in from the first day of Time Trialling

                Sub Junior Boys – Individual Time Trial

                Women’s Junior – Individual Time Trial

                Thanks to Imaad Sait for sharing the results.

                  • City:

                  The Women’s Elite Racers lined up and waiting to start their ITTs.

                  Photos and UpdateAnand V Pattanashetti

                    • City:

                    More results coming in. This one from the big hitters!

                    Men’s Elite – Individual Time Trial



                    Men’s Under-23 – Individual Time Trial

                    Results Courtesy Imaad Sait

                      • City:

                      The Fastest Female Road Cyclists of India at the start of the Women’s Elite ITT

                      Photos and UpdateAnand V Pattanashetti

                        • City:

                        The results from the first day continue to come in.

                        Sub-Junior Girls – Individual Time Trial

                        Results Courtesy Imaad Sait

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