    • City:

    We often see cyclists in India wearing running shoes while riding their bikes. More often than not, these shoes have laces, which are prone to opening. The laces if they get entangled with the moving parts of the bike, can lead to disastrous consequences.

    And so we asked the Cycling Monks community, what type of shoes do they wear when out cycling?

    Here’s what they said:

    Interestingly a whopping 52% of respondents stated that they wear cycling specific shoes with cleats. A substantially large number of cyclists, at 28%, use running shoes, while the balance use trekking and other kinds of footwear.

    This is quite an incredible ratio, because the majority of riders you see cycling on the road aren’t wearing cycling specific footwear.

    It only goes to show that the Cycling Monks community is head and shoulders above the average Indian cyclist. Which is both heartening and disheartening.

    Where do newer cyclists get their information from, who is there to guide them and in which direction must they look for learning the nuances of riding their bikes…