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      And here are your winners of the CyclingMonks Strava Leaderboard for the week October 4th to 10th, brought to you by Habbit Health…
      Thanks to these cool riders for inspiring us all to ride better, train harder and live healthier!
      Starting with the rider who accumulated the maximum riding mileage. Mrudul K from Kerala who rode a whopping 1303 km during the week as he enjoyed the greenery of the state post monsoons and was also promoting healthy living.
      Next is the hardest riding lady of the week, Ishika Gupta from Delhi, who rode 380 km and this is what she said, “Last week was totally incredible. I’m training for nationals. But whatever is going on nowadays is for improving my skills and timings, not only nationals, but in general I want to push my limits to dream big in life”.
      Longest ride of the week goes to Yaseen Shareef from Kerala, who rode a 605 km brevet and here is what he had to say about his ride, “This ride is definitely the toughest one I’ve done so far. It was raining cats and dogs almost throughout the entire ride and the roads were pretty bad that even the gatorskin couldn’t resist punctures. And to add to all of it, I was in unbearable pain in my left knee and my toes which were already damaged was also hurting through the ride! Teamwork and pure determination is what got us to the finish in time!”
      Fastest rider of the week is Synclair D from Maharashtra, he averaged an incredible 40.6 kmph. Here’s what he said about his speed, “The second state selection for nationals was held on 10th October at Aurangabad. I gave it my best and I’m happy with the podium finish. Most of the time was gained by letting the watts down on the correct part of the course and paced it a lot more better compared to last time.”
      King of the Mountain with the maximum elevation gain for the week is Sandeep Thapa from Himachal Pradesh, he climbed 8720 m. Here’s what he said, “I am training hard to perform well in upcoming nationals in Pune 2021. And to become a pro mountain bike like David Kumar!”
      Kudos to all the winners. DM us your shipping details so we can dispatch your prizes!

      Top 10

      These were the other cool people who made it to the top 10 of their respective leaderboards…

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