Pedal Pedal Pedal… Ad Infinitum: In Conversation with Samidha Patel, Guinness World Record Holder

We are in conversation with 17-year-old Samidha Patel from Vadodara who recently set the fastest time on a cycle from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and earning herself a Guinness World Record! In an aspirational middle-class India, the first response to anything cycling-related is met with a certain level of bafflement, disdain,…

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Gopikrishnan Kesavan: From Binge Watching to Binge Cycling!

In conversation with Gopikrishnan Kesavan, who set a WUCA Kashmir to Kanyakumari record, being the fastest self-supported cyclist. He rode this 3641 km in 13 days flat! Meet Gopikrishnan Kesavan, a 27-year-old IT professional from Trichy, Tamil Nadu, currently working at Deloitte in Chennai. While his daytime job involves the…

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Cycling Across India: Lavanya’s Remarkable Journey from Kashmir to Kanyakumari 

We are in conversation with Lavanya, from Hyderabad and mother of 2 who recently went cycling from Kashmir to Kanyakumari! Lavanya Reddy Kesari, mother of two and a certified fitness and nutrition coach hailing from Hyderabad, embarked on a journey of a lifetime. Pedalling her way from Srinagar in the…

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West Coast Fiesta: Cycling from Mumbai to Kanyakumari: 1775 km

Cycling from Mumbai to Kanyakumari, Chidambram tells us tales of his first bicycle tour along the western coast of India! Tales of people, places, cultures and helpful strangers… Cycling from Mumbai to Kanyakumari Often in life, the heart desires to do something different, something epic. Chidrambram like many others, works…

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