Pedal Pedal Pedal… Ad Infinitum: In Conversation with Samidha Patel, Guinness World Record Holder

We are in conversation with 17-year-old Samidha Patel from Vadodara who recently set the fastest time on a cycle from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and earning herself a Guinness World Record! In an aspirational middle-class India, the first response to anything cycling-related is met with a certain level of bafflement, disdain,…

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Gopikrishnan Kesavan: From Binge Watching to Binge Cycling!

In conversation with Gopikrishnan Kesavan, who set a WUCA Kashmir to Kanyakumari record, being the fastest self-supported cyclist. He rode this 3641 km in 13 days flat! Meet Gopikrishnan Kesavan, a 27-year-old IT professional from Trichy, Tamil Nadu, currently working at Deloitte in Chennai. While his daytime job involves the…

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Cycling Across India: Lavanya’s Remarkable Journey from Kashmir to Kanyakumari 

We are in conversation with Lavanya, from Hyderabad and mother of 2 who recently went cycling from Kashmir to Kanyakumari! Lavanya Reddy Kesari, mother of two and a certified fitness and nutrition coach hailing from Hyderabad, embarked on a journey of a lifetime. Pedalling her way from Srinagar in the…

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