Pedal Pedal Pedal… Ad Infinitum: In Conversation with Samidha Patel, Guinness World Record Holder

We are in conversation with 17-year-old Samidha Patel from Vadodara who recently set the fastest time on a cycle from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and earning herself a Guinness World Record! In an aspirational middle-class India, the first response to anything cycling-related is met with a certain level of bafflement, disdain,…

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Transition from Randonneuring to Racing: The How To!

For those cyclists who want to shift from randonneuring to racing, this article will help you understand the commonalities and challenges… India might have millions of people cycling every day across the country. But only a small fraction are people who consider it a sport. And within this tiny ecosystem…

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Sumit Patil cycles 24 Hours to Raise Funds for Migrants

Seasoned endurance cyclist, Sumit Patil cycles for 24hours to raise money to help the thousands of migrants walking and cycling from Mumbai to Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. #iForMyPeople The funds were given to Prabodhan Trust, based in Dhule, Maharashtra. Dhule has a unique feature of being a nodal point of…

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